Building Surveys

The purpose of a Building Measurement Survey is to provide an accurate computer model of a building so that the client can plan and design refurbishments and new layouts as well as ensuring that planned extensions dovetail into existing structures.


Building Surveys

Building measurement surveys are invariably required prior to refurbishment projects or extensions. Clients include developers, architects and civil engineers.

A building measurement survey can be an extremely detailed map of a building interior together with cross-sections and exterior/interior elevations. It can show every radiator, electricity plug, etc (very expensive) or can merely show room layouts, stairs, corridors, windows and doors, providing the client with accurate basic data (the cheapest option). Elevations can show every crack in the brickwork and fiddly detail of fenestration or merely show the outline silhouette with window and door openings. The more detail, the greater the cost.

All our building measurement surveys are captured on site using electronic equipment, lasers and data loggers. The data is then downloaded into Autocad for editing and despatch. Ink on film and paper plots can also be prepared although the most usual format is for a computer file containing the survey to be sent as an email attachment. We can also send as a PDF where the client wishes to forward on to a third party who does not have Autocad or other design package.

Information usually depicted on a Building Measurement Survey

In Plan

  • Internal & external walls
  • Window openings
  • Door openings
  • Steps, stairways, ramps & lift shafts
  • Sill, floor and ceiling levels
  • Local grid
  • Levels to OS (Ordnance Survey) datum

In Elevation

  • Silhouette of building
  • Door openings
  • Window openings
  • Outside steps
  • Chimneys
  • Eaves & ridges
  • Survey control stations

Some examples of Land Surveys we have conducted.

Click an image to enlarge

We have been specialising in the field since 1988

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